Friday, May 6, 2016

Just a boring update....

How is that for a title?  I feel like all my time and attention is spent on getting moved in.  Isn't it kind of boring when you ask someone how they are doing and it is the same thing every time?  Well that is me.  But I don't want to neglect the blog so let me see what I can muster to blabber about.

I am very slowly moving in.  This week, I worked pretty hard on the kitchen and have made some good headway in there.  I also worked on unpacking my clothes and trying to get them organized.  Much to my surprise, I did pretty good with the closet space.  It is a little ghetto fabulous but the important part is to get things put away right?  One thing is clear....I have way too many Tshirts.  I will be working through them with a critical eye and tossing anything that is shabby, stained, or fits funny.  I also have the master bath in pretty good shape.

For Cinco De Mayo, my girlfriends invited me to dinner with margaritas.  We had great fun and it was just what I needed.  I've not seen them in forever so it was nice.  And nice to get out and socialize after weeks and weeks of packing and moving.  While we were eating, I invited my friend Lesley to come over for a glass of wine before book club.  Seemed like a great idea but then I came home and looked around the condo and decided I better get busy because it was ridiculously messy.  I'm working really hard to not just "shove" things away so there are still piles and boxes of stuff but there is a bit of room now and it looks a little better.  This weekend, I'm going to keep going on my unpacking and see what I can do.

Philip comes home this weekend.  I can't believe he finished his freshman year.  He has decided that ASU was just not working well for him so he is coming home to Utah permanently.  He is hoping to enroll in the U of U this Fall after working all summer to help fund college.  I am excited to have him home but I know it will be very different after him being gone for 8 months.  Lots has changed  in my world too.  We will have to learn a new way to be together as grown ups.

I saw Dr. L this past week.  I've not seen him for 6  months which is great in the cancer world. Nothing to be concerned about and everything was pretty standard.  I will see him again in 6 months. It is nice when I have these long periods of "no cancer".  Frankly I forget I even have it.  Someone will ask me and it is almost like a surprise.  "Oh god yes.  I do have cancer.  Sorry I almost forgot." Can't beat that!  That was always my goal.

Muscle wise, I am still really struggling after the move.  My hips and arms are huge issues but I keep hoping I will heal when I get rest periods.  I am enjoying not having any steps in the condo.  I will have to keep doing steps elsewhere to keep those muscles but it sure is easier living!

So there you go.  An update for you all.  Hang in there and have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are finding places for your stuff and getting organized. You have a very nice place
